School Visitation Policy

Effective Date: July 2022


All visitors to any school must report to the school office upon arrival. Visitors include any person who is not an Accelerated Learning Center employee or student when the person is on Accelerated Learning Center premises or when the person attends an Accelerated Learning Center-sponsored event held off Accelerated Learning Center premises.

All visitors who wish to visit a classroom or attend a school activity during the school day must first obtain the approval of the school principal, and the teacher if a classroom visit is proposed. This pre-approval assists in avoiding conflicts with visitors and scheduled events and critical educational activities.

During the school day, a visitor must report to the school office upon arrival and comply with school procedures for sign-in and identification verification. A visitor must comply with directions from any Accelerated Learning Center employee while on school premises.

In visiting a classroom, visitors must realize that the teacher’s first responsibility is to the class as a whole, and the teacher will be unable to converse at any length with the visitor. If a conference is desired by a parent, arrangements will be made by the teacher for an appointment with the parent either before or after school hours.

Before or after the school day, a visitor may enter the Accelerated Learning Center property only to attend an event to which the visitor was invited or to use facilities that Accelerated Learning Center has designated for limited public use. A visitor attending a special function must remain in the area that Accelerated Learning Center designates for the function.

The Board will not permit any person on school premises, including visits or audits to a classroom or other school activity, without the approval of the principal. Nor will the Board allow any person to conduct or attempt to conduct any activity on school premises that has not had the prior approval of the principal.

A visitor who violates Accelerated Learning Center requirements for visitors, any other Accelerated Learning Center policy or regulation, or engages in disorderly conduct of any kind is subject to removal and exclusion from Accelerated Learning Center facilities. Failure to obey such directions may subject the person to criminal proceedings applicable under law, including but not limited to A.R.S. 13-2911, Interference with an Educational Institution.